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Disinfectant for Zwergenland kindergarten

Launsbach kindergarten receives generous donation from CONTI

The staff at the new Zwergenland kindergarten in Launsbach were over the moon when two employees from Wettenberg-based Conti Sanitärarmaturen GmbH recently arrived at the establishment bearing a plethora of products donated by the company: Stefan Bollendorf is an authorised signatory and member of the sales team for Germany and Austria, while Hans Georg Gerlach is responsible for property and application engineering. Waiting for both visitors at Zwergenland were Mayor Thomas Brunner and teacher Stanislara Mühlheim, while the children were out enjoying a morning excursion.

The two executives donated products that the company makes and are especially needed at this time: large quantities of CONTI+ oXan™ disinfectant, which is pH neutral and free of solvents such as alcohols, aldehydes, dyes and fragrances, making this an ecological and economical alternative to conventional disinfectants for surfaces and hand hygiene and especially suitable for children.

In addition, the two visitors also brought with them a room fogger, complete with its required disinfectant. In an accompanying letter, Managing Director Andreas Kregler explained how the cold fogger with CONTI+ oXan™ fresh is a highly effective combination for quickly restoring good room air quality. The disinfectant and cold fogger donated had a value of around 1000 euros.

Photo: (from left to right) Stanislara Mühlheim, Mayor Thomas Brunner, Stefan Bollendorf and Hans Georg Gerlach
Copyright: Moos

